One of my friends on facebook had posted an image like this on facebook because that person thought that it was a little ironic. When you actually analyze the image, you find out that a woman who is supposed to be a mother who is being sprayed with a water hose is advocating that vaccine's caused her son to develop a disease called autism. There are two types of logical fallacies that are within this image. The first type of logical fallacy is called a hasty generalization which draws a conclusion on a sample that is not quite large enough to make an assumption which is what this image is converying but saying that if you give your child a vaccination then your child will develop autism and it will be the cause of autism. The mom is drawing a conclusion on the vaccination of her son having autism which is not a large of sample to draw an assumption from. The other type of logical fallacy that is conveyed in this facebook image is called non-sequiter. The reason why the image is conveying non-sequiter is because it is trying to compare sexuality such as the mom with nothing on except a wet bra to a child having a vaccination that causes autism. Essentially, the mom dressed as a sex symbol does not really have any thing to do with her son having a vaccination that develops autism and it being the cause of autism. The logical fallacy might have been place there to attract the eye to the woman instead of what was said.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Facebook fallacies
One of my friends on facebook had posted an image like this on facebook because that person thought that it was a little ironic. When you actually analyze the image, you find out that a woman who is supposed to be a mother who is being sprayed with a water hose is advocating that vaccine's caused her son to develop a disease called autism. There are two types of logical fallacies that are within this image. The first type of logical fallacy is called a hasty generalization which draws a conclusion on a sample that is not quite large enough to make an assumption which is what this image is converying but saying that if you give your child a vaccination then your child will develop autism and it will be the cause of autism. The mom is drawing a conclusion on the vaccination of her son having autism which is not a large of sample to draw an assumption from. The other type of logical fallacy that is conveyed in this facebook image is called non-sequiter. The reason why the image is conveying non-sequiter is because it is trying to compare sexuality such as the mom with nothing on except a wet bra to a child having a vaccination that causes autism. Essentially, the mom dressed as a sex symbol does not really have any thing to do with her son having a vaccination that develops autism and it being the cause of autism. The logical fallacy might have been place there to attract the eye to the woman instead of what was said.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Memory under emotional stress
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> This the link to the video.
This video clip from the movie twelve angry men dealt with a first degree murder case about a boy killing his father. One man in the movie belived that the boy was not guilty at the beginning of the movie who was named henry fonda and his occupation was an architect. Another who believes the boy was guilty mentioned a very good point which was that on the night of the murder the boy could not remeber the movies he had seen at all while he was under emotional stress. This arguement that the man is making is an appeal to logos because he simply talking about the facts of the case. Henry fonda begins to change the other mans arguement into a way that will appeal more to ethos than logos. Henry fonda begins to ask the other man some personal questions about what he did last night, the night before that, the night before that, even the night before that. The man that was being questioned could barely remember what he did every night in the past week while was not under emotional disstress. This also appeals to ethos because he had the expierence of what it is like to try to actually remember what he had did in the past so that way he would be forced to imagine what the boy was feeling on the night of the murder while he was under emotional disstress. I personally think that it is understandable to not be able to remember everything after your parent or parents had died, especially on the night of their murder.
This video clip from the movie twelve angry men dealt with a first degree murder case about a boy killing his father. One man in the movie belived that the boy was not guilty at the beginning of the movie who was named henry fonda and his occupation was an architect. Another who believes the boy was guilty mentioned a very good point which was that on the night of the murder the boy could not remeber the movies he had seen at all while he was under emotional stress. This arguement that the man is making is an appeal to logos because he simply talking about the facts of the case. Henry fonda begins to change the other mans arguement into a way that will appeal more to ethos than logos. Henry fonda begins to ask the other man some personal questions about what he did last night, the night before that, the night before that, even the night before that. The man that was being questioned could barely remember what he did every night in the past week while was not under emotional disstress. This also appeals to ethos because he had the expierence of what it is like to try to actually remember what he had did in the past so that way he would be forced to imagine what the boy was feeling on the night of the murder while he was under emotional disstress. I personally think that it is understandable to not be able to remember everything after your parent or parents had died, especially on the night of their murder.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The Infosphere
Once I had looked at everything that influenced my identity through technology I began to think about how they affected my identity. My thoughts about how technology influenced that I am was that technology had sometimes affected the convenience of how I do things but technology never became a type of thing that I had to depend on. Technology had always made my life a whole lot easier when it came to things that I regular do on a daily basis such as my social networks, sports updates, religious values, school assignments, and even important events pertain to my college. The sites that I included onto my info sphere had usually sustain my ideas and challenged my ideas because there were things that I did not quit which had essentially challenged my ideas but there were also things that I enjoyed on many of the sites that I went to. The sites that challenged me were sites that had broadened my horizon about things that I did not know about which had basically forced me to learn more about the world around me. The sites that had usually sustained my ideas were sites that I already knew information about which had just stimulated my ideas. I do feel that sometimes I am attached to technology such as my cell phone, computer, television, and my iPod because these are things I could not see myself functioning without. The more information that I get from all of my electronic devices influences who I am.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Social Networking
One day while I was checking on my social network called facebook, I started to wonder how good or bad ethos is on all the comments and posts on facebook. I began to think that many comments and posts on facebook are really bad ethos in a way because people are not always who you think they are or who they appear to be. Sometimes they are some good ethos on many people’s facebook status, comments, or even posts. Generally, the majority of good ethos usually comes from older people who have good background of wisdom under them such as people over the age of eighteen years of age. Personally, I used to post unnecessary things on facebook when I was in my earlier teens but since I’ve gotten a little older I have became more wiser and more responsible about the types of things that I would share on facebook. Another aspect that realized as I got older was the importance of my reputation and the fact that everyone on the internet can see everything that you post, share, and comment on facebook as well as any other social network such as twitter or linked in. My thoughts about ethos on facebook in general is very good because the majority of the time you know that person in reality so you can tell whether or not if that person has good or bad ethos. I believe that any type of social network always has room for trustworthy and untrustworthy information as well as good and bad ethos.
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